You Are About To Discover The Solution to the Single Biggest Reason That You're Not Waking Up Happy...


HINT:  It’s Not A Lack Of Self-Care...




Discover the little-known secret for accessing the peace and happiness you have been longing for. 

January 23-26, 2024
12:00 - 1:00 CST



Take the Challenge

Challenge The Status Quo

Will you challenge what you believe is possible for you? Step up to the challenge today.

Time: Tuesday through Friday

4-Day Commitment

1-2 hours per day for 4 days. Get immersed in the happiness process.

Final Result

Wake Up Happy (EVEN ON A MONDAY)

Align your nervous system for peace and happiness and optimize your brain power.

This Class is for

Leaders and Executives

Who feel stressed when you go to bed, when you wake up in the morning - or both!


You Don't Need Another Exercise Program, Diet, or Pill...

You need to learn how to align your nervous system to harness the energy of stress and not be a victim of t.

Check Out What Some of Our Past Clients Are Saying


Learn the Science of Happiness

During this LIVE 4-day class, you will learn the concept Julie Hutchinson calls self-regulation to rebalance your nervous system, bring your brain and body into homeostasis and balance, optimize a state called coherence, and increase brain function.

This challenge meets you where you are and pushes your inner resilience to new heights.


Access to the Wake Up Happy Challenge community. You will be surrounded by other leaders and executives who are committed and excited to learn the science of happiness and how to cultivate it.


You will learn how to be aware of what drains and what renews your energy and how this impacts your happiness. 


Learn the science of how to build energy and sustain resilience for optimal performance and happiness in three easy steps.


Mindset myths that keep you stuck, preventing you from being happy - and how to unlock them.


We will teach you two key ways to access the state of happiness and how to sustain it when you find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed. 


Grab your ticket and join the Wake Up Happy Challenge today

Join The Challenge


Learn to balance your autonomic nervous system through a proven step-by-step process that Julie’s clients use to harness the energy of stress, so you can increase your peace, happiness, productivity, and overall well-being.

Improve your brain power and performance through in-depth training sessions, Q&A, and feedback sessions. This world-class Challenge is an opportunity to level up, balance your nervous system, and return your body and brain to homeostasis and balance.

Day 1: The Science of Renewing and Depleting Emotions on the Body and Brain
  • Learn how you can get addicted to stress without knowing it and determine if you are
  • Identify how stress shows up for you personally and how to reverse it to condition your body and brain for happiness
  • Learn the foundational technique to build resilience and happiness
  • Cultivate optimal happiness using a special awareness-tracking system
Day 2: Alignment Strategies for Happiness
  • On the second day, you will understand why and how your body reacts to stress and how to reverse the damaging effects for greater happiness
  • Learn strategies for cultivating happiness inside your physiology 
  • Learn how to cultivate the tried and true strategy for optimizing nervous system alignment and building resilience
Day 3: Alignment Between Head and Heart
  • On the third day, you will understand how lack of alignment between what we are feeling and thinking is one of our most potent sources of unhappiness and stress.
  • Gain a game-changing skill for reversing negative internal dialogue to change subconscious negative thought patterns.
  • Cultivate the heart-brain connection for optimal happiness.
Day 4: Happiness Success Stack

On the fourth day, you will know how to successfully align your brain and heart for optimal happiness

  • Alignment success stack
  • It eliminates the long-term damaging effects of stress
  • It expands peace, happiness, and calm.
  • It allows you to tap into a deeper, sustainable source of happiness.

BONUS:  you’ll end this challenge knowing how to transform anxiety, frustration, or overwhelm into peace, joy, and happiness from the inside out. 

Learn From The Best:



During this class, you will learn closely guarded secrets that previously Julie has only shared in her Resilient Transformation Academy. Whether you have been feeling stress, overwhelm, or burnout for weeks, months, or years, you will gain the knowledge about how your body and brain work together to harness the energy of stress.

Julie is the CEO of Core Performance LLC, and is a keynote speaker, Executive Coach, Neuroscience Change Consultant, and Master Resilience Trainer. Julie and Core Performance train top performers and teams to thrive professionally and personally using a unique approach that blends technology, scientific research, resilience, and emotional intelligence and neuroscience techniques.

A New Kind Of Alignment

You may be thinking, “Oh, great, not another stress management tool that promises to reduce my stress.”

Well you are right, it is not another stress management tool.

It is THE most comprehensive - yet simple to understand and implement - 4-day training designed to help you harness the energy of stress.

By the end of the challenge, your friends, family, and colleagues will thank you for making this investment in yourself.

Have you ever had a friend, colleague, or loved one thanking you for being so present and connected with them that they felt heard and valued?

If you haven’t, then you are about to embark on a whole new YOU!

Happiness creates harmony and resilient champions.

Remember, when you are negatively stressed, anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed - your nervous system is out of alignment.

If you have been feeling this way for months or years, it could be contributing to anything from an inability to focus and get things done to chronic disease states such as high blood pressure or IBS.

When you learn to align your nervous system for greater happiness, you actually increase your energy while building your capacity for resilience.

This contributes to a general sense of well-being...

Of ease...


Inner peace...

Of smiling from the inside-out.

Are you ready to learn how to wake up happy EVERY DAY?


I had not woken up happy on a Monday morning in 25 years until I did this program.

Bill B.
VP of Customer Experience

I went from having tremendous muscle tension, not sleeping and working long hours to finally sleeping through the night. My body is no longer tense, I have peace and inner balance, and I am more productive at home and at work.

Chris C.
VP and Managing Partner

I am no longer depressed and unhappy. I have regained my confidence, resilience, and inner peace.

Stacey O.
President and Owner, Cole Graphic Solutions Inc.

I was at a level 9 out of 10, experiencing anxiety, not able to sleep, and having digestive disorders and went to thriving, sleeping, and having the ability to shift anxiety to peace in the moment. I now have control over my anxiety and it is now at a level 2.

Tayler B.
Behavior Analyst

When I came to you, I felt like I was drowning. Now I am floating. My productivity has increased by over 50%, my pay by 30%, and I am now the leader I always wanted to be. I found my passion again, and I am more present with the people around me.

Casey J.
Vice President

I had years of stress resulting from running companies and pushing myself too hard. This stress caused breakdowns in my nervous system and deprived me of sleep. I am now enjoying a full night's sleep, greater focus, and energy. I also have a tool to keep me calm during periods of chaos or frustration.

Rodger J.
Peer Advisory Chair for Vistage & Executive Coach

VIP Admission

Here's What You Get...

  • 4 Days Of Wake Up Happy Training With Julie Hutchinson
  • Access To The Wake Up Happy Facebook Group
  • ​​VIP Backstage Pass to Get Your Questions Answered Live and the Opportunity to Be Coached in Real Time Using the Tools and Science of Accessing
  • Happiness (this is an additional hour of training each day)
  • Additional Bonus Recorded Training:
    • How The Brain Works
    • The Happiness Technique Meditation
    • The Power Of Specificity

12:00 - 1:00 CST, January 23-26

General Admission



Join The Challenge

General Admission

Here's What You Get...

  • 4 Days Of Wake Up Happy Training with Julie Hutchinson
  • Deep dive understanding of the physiology of stress and how to overcome it for peace and happiness
  • Printable guides each day to help you establish and cultivate new happiness-centric habits
  • Unlimited exclusive 24-hour access to the replay for each day - revisit the trainings and allow the happiness to really sink in
  • Lifetime membership in our private Wake Up Happy Facebook Group 

General Admission

Here's What You Get...

  • 4 Days Of Wake Up Happy
  • Training With Julie Hutchinson
  • Access To The Wake Up Happy
  • Facebook Group